These Smith Frederick works published by Reliance, R.P.F. Co. during the 1920s and 30s are created in a transfer to the glass in the “Butterfly Wing” affect.
From the reverse:
The delicate colors transferred directly to the glass present a pearly quality which makes them spring to life, and the glass itself seems to radiate an elusive light.
Nothing has ever been offered before in America with such fineness of line, detail, and rich coloring, and the “Butterfly Wing” effect process creates a brilliance not to be matched by any other type of decoration.”
Blossom Time, marketed as a one of the set, features a young woman in a billowing hoop dress which is decorated with large, stylized flowers. The young lady is reaching up to pick flowers from the branches of a tree. The flowers on the tree and on her dress have a silver and gold metallic sheen being foil backed. The grass has a subtle green metallic color, having also been made using foil.
Old Fashioned Garden features a young women in laced hoop skirt with her basket of floral gatherings, featuring the same silver, gold and subtle green metallic sheen.
Produced by the R.P.F. Co. of New York and Chicago, each measures approximately 7-3/4” by 11-3/4”. They are in excellent antique condition with no damage to the glass or to the image on the glass; there are some spots on the back cover of “Old Fashioned Garden” of unknown origin (see photos). Asking $175 for the pair (shipping not included).

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