We’re trying to make things easier for the next generation, and have started clearing some things out. In case you or your favorite Interior Designer is looking for a certain “something,” I’ve put these listings together mostly to record the insane amount of research available on the Innerweb Machine, and so R&H won’t have to do the same, but feel free to reach out if something strikes your fancy. A good story about what and why you’re interested can work like cash!

Category: Uranium glass

  • Vintage Vaseline glass vase

    Vintage Vaseline glass vase

    This beautiful vase with a chevron design below the frilled collar, and dots on the footed base, stands approximately eight inches tall, and has a mouth of approximately 5-1/2″ across. The green glass is vibrant, and UV light reactive. This vintage item is in excellent condition. Asking $125 (shipping not included).

  • Mid-century Vaseline glass vase

    Mid-century Vaseline glass vase

    Likely made by Model Flint Glass Co (Albany, IN) per the concentric circle pattern on the bottom. In 1900 this factory was part of the National Glass conglomerate. In natural light, it is a very light yellow-green (hence the Vaseline nomenclature), with white ribs and trim at the softly fluted top. Under UV light, the uranium…